Online Learning Resources and Services
The HRMS Media Center has numerous resources and services to support teachers and students engaged in online learning. Teachers who need assistance with their webpages or the sites listed below can contact Ms. Oros via email to schedule a live help session.
- Sora is an online library that can be accessed by students and teachers at HRMS and HES ( Books can be read on any internet-accessible device such as a computer, phone, or tablet. Usernames and passwords for students were uploaded in October 2018. Ms. Oros can create usernames for teachers and new students. Ms. Oros can also order individual titles for students to read or class sets of the same title. Please contact Ms. Oros via email if you would like to learn more about Sora or would like to order specific books for use by your students. Instructions for using Sora can be found at the following link:
- CK-12 offers an extensive library of free, online textbooks (flexbooks) in all core subjects. Flexbooks incorporate videos and links to additional resources. Teachers can obtain free accounts on the CK-12 website, which enables them to customize flexbooks, administer quizzes, etc. (
- SC Discus is a collection of databases that include videos and digital books ( The following username and password need to be used when accessing SC Discus from home: Username: discus2021 Password: think1!
- Virtual Field Trips: (Thanks to Ms. Mixon!)
- Scholastic Learn at Home:
- Websites for Read-Alouds and Activities (Thanks to Ms. Mixon!):
- Learning A-Z: free trial for families until the end of the school year (Thanks to Ms. Mok!)
- Capstone Remote Learning, PebbleGo & E-books: @ Home Activities: Registration link: 4-H will be sending out a daily e-mail with a 4-H activity that can be completed at home (Thanks to Ms. Hibbs!)
- Follett Lightbox and AV2 World Languages: Multimedia resources and interactive ebook on nonfiction topics, some in multiple languages. To access this website, choose default "Any Location" on the home page. The school name is Follett elearning, mchenry, IL. The generic username is guest and the password is follett.
- Teachervision: (Thanks to Ms. Bush!) Teachervision provides 22,000 K-12 lesson plans, printables, worksheets, and other resources created by teachers and industry experts.
- JLG@Home: Free multi-user digital books, audio books, and ELA resources (no password required). Audiobooks require Chrome browser.