Yolanda Yvette Young-Riley » Explicitly stating the rules for Best Results- Student Expectations

Explicitly stating the rules for Best Results- Student Expectations

Riley’s Rules and Expectations

Report to class on time. No bathroom breaks in between transition.


Come prepared to work with all required materials. (pencils, 2 composition books, and binder, ruler, crayons, dry erase marker, and paper)


Report to your assigned seat and remain there unless otherwise instructed.


Keep all objects that belong to you to yourself, and remain in your space.


Raise your before speaking, or permission to leave your seat.


Please adhere to appropriate lab and safety expectations, at all times.


Obey Champs levels for speaking, during individual, whole group, and cooperative learning times.


Move quietly throughout the building, walking to assure safety.


Use appropriate language when communicating within the school environment.


Use time wisely, and complete all assignments before leaving for the day, unless otherwise instructed.


Bring token economy sheet, student log, signed daily, notations, and parent, student signatures.